Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tideland (2005)

Directed by Terry Gilliam
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4
(DVD, ThinkFilm)

Terry Gilliam's Alice in Wonderland inspired tale of a little girl coming to grips with the death of her parents and subsequent abandonment in a run down house on a desolate prairie. Mom dies early, apparently on methadone trying to kick a heroin habit, and dad shortly after when she injects him with heroin. Yep, he's got his little girl trained to prepare his daily injection. She lives for awhile with his rotting corpse, but the neighbors finally show up, and they are in worse shape than her parents. The adult has a bee phobia, and walks around in full-beekeper gear. She also is a taxidermist, and guess what she keeps mom preserved in an upstairs bedroom. She puts her talents to use on the deceased heroin addict as well. Her teenage son, who has undergone some kind of partial lobotomy, thinks the prairie is underwater and the local train a land shark. He strikes up an uncomfortable friendship with the little girl. What does it all mean? Why do they all have southern accents? Where is the local police? Why don't we see the giant mining operation earlier, even though it seems to be right next door? Why is every scene filmed in "floating cam" forcing the viewer to constantly twist their neck?

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