Thursday, August 12, 2010

Justine (1969)

Directed by George Cukor
My rating: 2 stars out of 4
(Fox Movie Channel)

Set in Alexandria at the time of the British withdrawal from Egypt, it's a meandering story of the few remaining British upper crust and their embrace of decadence. Anouk Aimee is Justine, married to Robert Forster, who for unclear reasons allows her to sleep around with any man she chooses. She starts up with poet and schoolteacher Michael York, who is also sleeping with beautiful belly dancer Anna Karina. Meanwhile their friend and British diplomat Dirk Bogarde is having a sexual relationship with his sister and may or may not be gay. Much of the 'action' takes place in a cafe featuring belly dancers in drag. It all looks great, but ultimately it's nothing more than a postcard of the sleazy side of Egypt.

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