Sunday, September 12, 2010

Johnny Cool (1963)

Directed by William Asher
My rating: 1.5 stars out of 4
(Turner Classic Movies)

The film chronicles the first three days of Henry Silva in America, a hit man for an Italian mobster who wants to take over Las Vegas. His job is to muscle, kill if necessary, anyone who resists. Elizabeth Montgomery falls in love with him at first sight, gets raped by two henchmen then drives Silva around to commit murder. I thought her story was the more interesting, as Silva was nothing more than a gangster caricature. We don't know a lot about her past, other than being rich and well bred, when she falls for bad boy Silva. She shows no remorse until the final scene. Rat Packers Sammy Davis Jr and Joey Bishop have minor roles and Sammy sings the title tune. I found this worked better as camp, as the acting is bad across the board and the violence almost cartoonish.

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