Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cave of Outlaws (1951)

Directed by William Castle
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4

Another of the pre-horror William Castle films, this one does at least have a gimmick: Carlsbad Caverns. Macdonald Carey plays the outlaw in search of gold lost in the caverns after a robbery when he was a teen. He falls in love with pretty Alexis Smith who almost convinces him to go straight. For awhile he works with her on the local newspaper, but the ever-present allure of the lost gold proves too much for him to ignore. It turns out her dead husband had a role in the missing gold, leading to the inevitable shoot-out in the caves. Sure it's melodramatic at times and the romantic subplot is boring, but the location shooting and vivid Technicolor sets make this fun in an early 50s, Saturday matinee kind of way.

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