Friday, July 15, 2011

Fantômas II: Juve vs. Fantômas (1913)

Directed by Louis Feuillade
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4
(DVD, Kino)

Part Two of the French serial finds Inspector Juve and his newspaper pal Fandor on the trail of the mysterious criminal Fantomas. They follow him onto a train, but Fantomas and his men not only manage a hold up, but to also wreck the train with the Inspector aboard. In the next scene, Fantomas is followed to a restaurant and actually arrested. However, he escapes with the use of a fake arm! Foiled again, Juve lays a trap for Fantomas. Expecting an attempt on his life, Juve wears a suit of nails (facing outward) when he goes to sleep, which turns out to be quite handy when he is almost crushed to death by a giant snake. In the final scenes, Fantomas escapes arrest once again by ingenuously hiding in a giant cistern filled with water. The surrealist touches and location photography add greatly to this entry.

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