Friday, August 5, 2011

Countdown (1968)

Warner Bros.
Directed by Robert Altman
My rating: 3 stars out of 4
(DVD, Warner Archive Collection)

The Russians unexpectedly launch a rocket to the moon, forcing the American program to do the same. They choose civilian James Caan for the lone astronaut, much to the chagrin of trained military astronaut Robert Duvall. They fight and argue about it, but eventually Duvall accepts it and is key to his training. The launch goes off without a hitch, but there are electrical problems in route to the moon that they must overcome. Caan lands safely but only has a couple of hours to find the moon shelter that was previously sent or he will die. It's all matter-of-fact and the technology on display is dated, but it still manages to tell a gripping story.

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