Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Autumn Leaves (1956)

Columbia Pictures
Directed by Robert Aldrich
My rating: 2 stars out of 4
(Turner Classic Movies)

Joan Crawford is a middle ages spinster typing manuscripts from her LA bungalow for a living. Cliff Robertson picks her up at a restaurant one night. Crawford is wary of his passes at first, rightfully so given their differences in age, but eventually gives in to thwart her own loneliness. They get a quickie marriage in Mexico, but back at home he is exposed as a pathological liar. Things get really bad when his other wife shows up, and hit rock bottom when that wife turns out to be his father's girlfriend. Cliff goes off the deep end and throws a typewriter at poor Joan, who must decide whether or not to have him committed. I suppose this was meant to be a serious examination of mental illness, but I found it to be a hilariously overwrought melodrama.

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