Friday, July 12, 2013

The Elusive Corporal (1962)

Pathé Consortium (France)
Directed by Jean Renoir
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4
(DVD, Lionsgate)

French POWs are shuffled around by their German captors in the final days of WWII. They make occasional attempts at escape, but their poor planning always gets them recaptured. They spend their time pining for the good old days in France, reminiscing about wives, jobs or farm life. They are given a relatively large amount of freedom for POWS, including a funny trip to the dentist. However, the situation does turn deadly during one botched escape. It's an odd mixture of comedy and prison-camp drama, filmed almost entirely on overcast, gray days with frequent fog. It compares poorly with Renoir's earlier, and seminal, work The Grand Illusion, also set in a German prison camp.

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