Thursday, April 16, 2015

Tabloid (2010)

Sundance Selects
Directed by Errol Morris
My rating: 2 stars out of 4

Documentarian Errol Morris interviews a former model who became famous for following her Mormon lover to London, kidnapping him, chaining him to a bed for several days as her "sex slave", then making the front pages of the ruthless UK tabloids. However, she paints a different story than the tabloids during the interviews, claiming she did it all for love and her husband-to-be was brainwashed by the Mormons. Her candidness is at first refreshing, but when we get glimpses of the other parts of her life, including spending outrageous amounts of money to clone her recently deceased dog, it's hard to believe much of anything she says. Morris unwisely adds slick animation, graphics and other distractions to dress up what really boils down to a rather trivial story.

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