Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Mala Noche (1986)

Directed by Gus Van Sant
My rating: 2 stars out of 4
IMDb Wikipedia
(DVD, Criterion Collection)

Tim Streeter is a cashier at a liquor/grocery story in the dirtier part of downtown Portland, Oregon. He lusts after a young Mexican immigrant who comes in the store, resorting to offering money if he will sleep with him. However, the immigrant responds with homophobic slurs and refuses. His friend, however, will do nicely for the insatiable Streeter, who figures it is as close as he will ever get to the other one. They slowly develop a friendship, with Streeter nursing him through an illness, teaching him how to drive, and offering money and a place to stay. He also continues to pursue the other guy. The police get called for a disturbance, leading to tragedy. Van Sant's directorial debut is an independent, black and white wonder, but is poorly acted, with some truly awful, awkward dialogue. Almost saved by John Campbell's graceful, enigmatic cinematography that manages to make street life in the worst part of Portland beautiful.

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