Sunday, March 31, 2019

Madagascar (2005)

Directed by Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath
My rating: 3 stars out of 4
IMDb Wikipedia
(Blu-ray, Dreamworks)

A bored zebra at the Central Park Zoo convinces his friends that they should escape and go to the wild. They follow some penguins with a similar idea, and soon the whole group, including a lion, giraffe and hippopotamus, is wandering around New York City. They are captured, tranquilized and sent by ship to an African reserve. The penguins take over the ship and the other animals are knocked overboard. They wash ashore in Madagascar where they eventually find a colony of lemurs living the high life. Alex, the lion, eventually starts craving meat and can barely resist his prey instincts. He is sent to the other side of the island to live with other predators, but his friends come to his help. Hilarious animated adventure filled with enough inside jokes to keep adults entertained as well, especially movie-lovers. 

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