Thursday, July 5, 2012

Morvern Callar (2002)

Directed by Lynne Ramsay
My rating: 2 stars out of 4
(DVD, Palm Pictures)

Samantha Morton comes home one day to find her boyfriend dead on the floor, having committed suicide by slashing his wrists. She continues her normal existence for a few days, stepping over the body like it was just another piece of furniture. She gets the bright idea, probably the first and only one of her life, to change the name of the author on the book he has written and left on their computer to her own and send it away to a publisher. After cutting up and disposing of the body, she goes to Spain with her brain-dead best friend and they party all night in clubs and hotel rooms. They take a taxi to the country side and wander around lost in the desert. The publishers eventually show up and offer her a ton of money. Back in Scotland, she gets her check and leaves town. Existential angst for the Millennial Generation, but the characters are so vapid that you have to wonder the point of it all.

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