Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Remorques (1941)

Films Sonores Tobis (France)
Directed by Jean Gremillon
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4
(DVD, Criterion Eclipse)

Jean Gabin is a captain that rescues boats in distress in the stormy waters off the coast of France. He takes aboard the lovely Michele Morgan during one his trips, and the two have a brief affair. Meanwhile at home, his bored wife of ten years begins having doubts about their relationship. She also has a serious illness, though no one but her doctor believes her. The plot lines converge in a melodramatic ending. The "stormy waters" symbolism (also the English title of the film) is a bit too obvious and the religious quotes a bit overbearing in the final minutes. Still, the acting is good as are the French seaside locations, although the miniature models for the sea rescue scenes are not very convincing.

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