Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Dark Knight (2008)

Warner Bros.
Directed by Christopher Nolan
My rating: 2 stars out of 4
(Blu-ray, Warner Bros.)

The Joker is terrorizing Gotham City and it is up to Batman to stop him. Hired by the mob, The Joker is more interested in creating chaos than robbing banks. Batman refuses to kill him, though he has many chances, due to a self-imposed rule, which the Joker exploits to his advantage. He has no such qualms, killing numerous innocent bystanders, policemen or friends of Batman. A romantic triangle involving the DA, a lawyer and Batman's real personality Bruce Wayne weighs down a plot already burdened by a relentlessly serious tone. Batman himself is the main problem: a one-note character with no emotions to speak of, a trait that rubs off on most of the rest of the cast as well. Overflowing with the usual Hollywood blockbuster action cliches: guns, explosions and cell phones. Heath Ledger's Joker is the only character that manages not to be one, but his schtick grows old too after a couple of hours.

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