Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Exterminating Angel (1962)

Altura Films International
Directed by Luis Buñuel
My rating: 3 stars out of 4
IMDb Wikipedia
(Blu-ray, Criterion Collection)

After attending an opera, guests arrive at a house for a formal dinner party that lasts long into the night. However, instead of going home afterwards they inexplicably stay until the next day. After a restless night on couches and the floor, they wake up hungry, hungover and confused. Not only are they unable to leave the house, they refuse to even leave the living room. Days turn into weeks and a media circus convenes outside. The guests rip into the wall to get at the water pipes. They capture and cook animals roaming the house. One of them dies and the body is stuffed in a closet. Finally, one of them decides it is alright to leave and the rest follow. Another curious, surreal work from Bunuel. It works most of the time, though sometimes it is just plain silly. An ending in a church seems tacked on at the last minute and utilizes some very obvious symbolism.

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