Sunday, July 22, 2018

Duffy (1968)

Columbia Pictures
Directed by Robert Parrish
My rating: 2 stars out of 4
IMDb Wikipedia
(DVD, Sony Choice Collection)

Bored half-brothers James Fox and John Alderton decide to rob their cold, unloving father James Mason of 3 millions dollars in cash which he is transporting by boat for some unscrupulous transaction. They enlist the help of James Coburn, a retired gangster/artist who is only in it for the money, and reluctantly at that. Along for the caper is Fox's girlfriend Susannah York, who also has a thing for Coburn. She struts around in mod fashions or a bikini for most of the film, but has little else to do. The heist is eventually pulled off, but the cut afterwards leads to unexpected complications and a few plot twists. Dated fluff, with a good jazz soundtrack by Ernie Freeman, the house band in the psychedelic hookah joint.

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