Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Long Good Friday (1980)

Embassy Pictures
Directed by John Mackenzie
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4
IMDb Wikipedia
(Blu-ray, Image Entertainment)

British gangster Bob Hoskins is trying to impress visiting Americans so they will invest in his plans to rebuild a crumbling London dock. A series of mysterious deaths occur to some of his most important men at the same time, followed by bombings that almost kill all of them. His girlfriend begins to suspect that his right hand man knows more than he is telling, and during a brutal interrogation Hoskins learns that the IRA is responsible for his problems due to a misunderstanding over a money deal. He sets up a meeting with the IRA leaders in London then double crosses and murders them. Thinking he has freed himself, he returns to the Americans but they have decided to pull out of the deal. The upset Hoskins then gets carjacked and presumably driven to his death in the ending. Somewhat disappointing drama marred by some poor effects and predictable plot twists. You don't ever really care about Hoskins either, blunting the impact of his ultimate fate. 

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