Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Warriors (1955)

Allied Artists
Directed by Henry Levin
My rating: 2 stars out of 4
IMDb Wikipedia
(DVD, Warner Archive Collection)

Set in 14th century France, after a century of war the French and English are trying to come to a truce. The English king heads home while appointing his son, Errol Flynn, the Duke to keep the peace. The local French royalty won't acquiesce and soon a battle is brewing. The local peasants complain about forced inscription and high taxes, so Flynn declares them both illegal. The French aristocrats, lead by Peter Finch, kidnap the Duke's lady hoping to lure him to their castle. It works, but Flynn disguises himself as the "Black Knight" and trains right alongside Finch and his men. His identity is eventually revealed leading to the usual swashbuckling, with Flynn getting the final say by axe instead of sword! Coming late in Flynn's career, this is not particularly good, with poor period flavor and a predictable plot. Finch overshadows Flynn in practically every way. 

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