Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tarzan's Fight for Life (1958)

Directed by Bruce Humberstone
My rating: 1.5 stars out of 4
(DVD, Warner Archive Collection)

A doctor is running a hospital and developing a serum in the jungle. The local witch doctor feels threatened and his tribe terrorizes the hospital and its staff. When the young tribal chief becomes deathly ill, they must choose between the old ways of the witch doctor or the new ways of the hospital to save him. Tarzan is on the side of the hospital, showing up in the nick of time over and over to save both white men and natives from snakes, crocodiles, lions and each other. Jane has perfect hair and make up, whether it be in the tree house or the hospital when she comes down with appendicitis. Cheta wears a loin cloth throughout and boy is called "Tartu". Ridiculous entry is studio bound with an over reliance on stock footage and native mumbo jumbo.

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