Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Invasion of the Neptune Men (1961)

Directed by Koji Ota
My rating: 1.5 stars out of 4
(DVD, Dark Sky Films)

Another demented sci-fi picture from Japan aimed at 5 year olds. The Neptune men reverse electricity, which causes records to play backwards in the juke box at the local malt shop. Luckily, a group of small kids with telescopes notice the flying saucers in the air and run over to the big research center to tell the professionals. They also do them the favor of finding samples of the spacecraft, which they run over to the lab. Run, run, run... those kids sure run a lot. The Neptune men finally show up in the city. When they are not in their usual helmet gear they disguise themselves as soldiers who wear thick mascara and lipstick, like no one would notice. The ending is a flurry of flying saucers vs "space chief", a super hero and friend of the kids.

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