Monday, June 27, 2011

The Black Cobra (1963)

Directed by Rudolf Zehetgruber
My rating: BOMB
(DVD, VCI Entertainment)

Dreadful German film is a talky crime drama centered around an innocent truck driver wanted by the police for trafficking narcotics. The real drug dealers are after him as well: a gang of Sicilian thugs including "Goba", a hulking half-monster with one eyebrow. Then there is the mysterious Mr. Green, who sneaks around in a bow tie and bowler stabbing people with his walking stick. If that wasn't enough, Klaus Kinski is a strung-out junkie/pianist who will do anything to get his next fix. The truck driver has friends who try to help him, the most effective being Punkti, who owns the trucking company. Punkti is a big fella and he has a showdown with Goba in a sort of Greco-Roman wrestling match at a concrete factory. The denouement takes place at a junkyard where Mr. Green is crushed inside a car by one of those compacting machines. Some mention must be made of the English dubbed version, which is mind-bogglingly awful, as if done by MST3K but without the intentional humor. It's not the worst movie ever made, that distinction belongs to the unwatchable Boardinghouse, but would certainly make my Bottom 100.

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