Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Castle Keep (1969)

Columbia Pictures
Directed by Sydney Pollack
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4
(DVD, Sony)

Burt Lancaster leads a rag-tag group of men to a castle in Belgium where they prepare to make a last stand against the Germans. The men have plenty of time on their hands, and they spend most of it at the whorehouse in town. Some of them slowly go insane, falling in love with a Volkswagen, pretending to be a baker and living a normal life while bombs constantly fall or giving art lectures in the castle. This part of the film goes on far too long and is virtually plotless. However, when the Germans finally do arrive at the castle things pick up considerably. In particular, a scene in the rose garden is very well done and almost makes up for everything else...but it takes an awfully long time to get there.

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