Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Twice Upon a Time (1983)

Ladd Company/Warner Bros.
Directed by  John Korty and Charles Swenson
My rating: 3 stars out of 4
(VHS, Warner Bros.)

Highly imaginative story of a struggle between good and evil, acted out in dreams, well more precisely the place where dreams are made. Botch rules the Murkworks where nightmares are written then dropped on the sleepers of Din (that's us) by vultures. Greensleeves is a wizard type fellow who delivers sweet dreams using the Figmen of Imagination. Well, old Greenie is kidnapped by Botch, and it is up to a group of unlikely heroes to rescue him and the people of Din. It's a mixture of comedy and fantasy, somewhat derivative of Ralph Bakshi, especially his film Wizards. Blaring 80s music occasionally interrupts the otherwise dreamy atmosphere. The film has a troubled release history, having undergone a major post release edit that waters down and dumbs down the original version. A restored cut on DVD or Blu-ray is long overdue, but the Ladd Company is gone, and I noticed several pop culture references throughout the movie that may be holding things up with rights issues, including a clip from Star Wars, although George Lucas was a producer.

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