Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Carnival in Flanders (1935)

Films Sonores Tobis (France)
Directed by Jacques Feyder
My rating: 2.5 stars out of  4
(Turner Classic Movies)

When Spanish invaders arrive in a small Belgian town the men imagine the worst. Instead of fighting, they find ways to avoid confrontation, such as hiding or even faking their own deaths. It is up to the women to save the town, which they do by dressing up and throwing an all night party. The Spanish turn out to be civilized, if overly amorous, gentlemen who drink and dance the night away, showing the women just what boors they have for men. Placed in its time, Europe of the mid 1930s where Nazi Germany was busy invading its neighbors, it was understandably criticized as encouraging collaboration with invaders. It stands up fairly well today due to that extra layer of meaning, but it can be talky and is a bit overlong.

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