Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lebanon (2009)

Sony Pictures Classics
Directed by Samuel Maoz
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4

An Israeli tank rolls into a recently bombed city in Lebanon to clear it of any remaining people. Inside, the young soldiers struggle to adapt to their claustrophobic environment and the realities of war. A periscope provides them with a glimpse of the outside world, and it becomes a second camera for the film. We see the horrible effects of war on people and animals, a bit too explicit, I thought, even given the subject matter. Well, the tank gets hit, is disabled and stuck in an unfriendly part of town. They negotiate with the other side, likely terrorists, in order to get out. There is a great opening and closing shot, and it really captures the feel of being in a tank, but lacks in story and character development.

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