Friday, August 24, 2012

Sundays and Cybele (1962)

Columbia Pictures
Directed by Serge Bourguignon
My rating: 3 stars out of 4

A German pilot struggling to recover his memory after a crash is living with his nurse turned girlfriend near Paris. One day he meets a little girl by accident, who ends up being abandoned by her father at the local nun's convent. He convinces the nuns he is her father and begins to visit her one day a week. They strike up an odd friendship: he is reliving a childhood he can't remember while she is living in a fantasy world with him at the center of it. They seem happy, in a pure and innocent way, but others around them start to become suspicious of the relationship. He has fits of violence which are particularly worrisome. The police finally get involved, leading to tragedy. Wonderful widescreen black and white photography by Henri Decae, but the characters are difficult to get to know, in particular Hardy Kruger's Pierre, who rarely shows any kind of emotion.

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