Monday, August 20, 2012

The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart (1970)

Directed by Leonard Horn
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4

Aimless college student Don Johnson drifts into the underground psychedelic scene of NYC. He starts out as a rather obnoxious "pretty boy" who spends most of his energy trying to seduce girls. Pretty Diane Hull catches his eye, but he has to put on an act to win her over. This works for a while, but when he starts sleeping with her roommate things get complicated. He meets Michael Greer one night in a bar, who brings him to an underground party with psychedelic lights, a live band, free drugs and naked girls. He starts up a new relationship, this time as a threesome with a couple of hippie chicks. More drugs, more sex, more parties, and soon he has completely dropped out of the real world. It all comes crashing down one night during a bad trip. An interesting glimpse into the East coast scene and how it differs from the more laid back West coast, but it is hard to like Johnson's narcissistic character.

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