Saturday, August 25, 2012

Toomorrow (1970)

Rank Film (UK)
Directed by Val Guest
My rating:1.5 stars out of 4

Olivia Newton-John and her swinging London friends at an art school are in a pop group called Toomorrow, as in "too much", you dig? They use a "tonalyzer" in the group, a primitive synthesizer, which gives them a unique sound and attracts the attention of aliens. Yes, aliens, who abduct them and want to bring them back to their planet to make groovy sounds, which they find soothing. Unfortunately, I found their sounds anything but soothing. Anyway, the same day they are abducted they were to appear at a big Pop Festival, and they convince the aliens to send them back to Earth so they can perform. The last scene is of the entire Pop Festival being transported into outer space. It's not as much fun as it sounds.

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