Friday, October 1, 2010

When Michael Calls (1972)

Directed by Philip Leacock
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4
(Fox Movie Channel)

Another gem from the seemingly endless supply of 70s made-for-TV movies. Elizabeth Ashley is the pretty young divorcee who starts receiving phone calls from a boy claiming to be her long-dead nephew. Her ex-husband Ben Gazzara takes up the role of detective and attempts to find a logical explanation to the creepy calls from beyond the grave. Michael Douglas is the new boyfriend and a psychiatrist at the local reform school for boys. Could there be a connection? Set in New England during the fall, the atmosphere is good, including a killing during a Halloween festival involving Jack-O-Lanterns. Lionel Newman's soundtrack is also memorable, with that spacey flute sound and exotic drum beat.

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