Monday, October 29, 2012

Mark of the Devil (1970)

Hallmark Releasing
Directed by Michael Armstrong
My rating: 2 stars out of 4
(DVD, Blue Underground)

In medieval Europe, a witch finder uses his power to kidnap, rape, torture and kill girls he falsely accuses of witchcraft. His authority is threatened by the arrival of Herbert Lom, a witch finder with considerably more power, and his naive assistant Udo Kier, who believes they really are after witches. Udo falls in love with a local girl accused of witchcraft, setting up a showdown with his boss who wants her dead for calling him impotent, among other things. Kier, realizing the witch hunts are a lie, sets the accused free from their cells and starts a peasant rebellion. The power struggle among the male leads is believable but not fully developed, the film is far more interested in explicit scenes of torture, mostly towards female cast members. Authentic locations in old European streets and castles add to period flavor.

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