Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

Bryanston Distributing
Directed by Tobe Hooper
My rating: 4 stars out of 4
(Blu-ray, Dark Sky Films)

Two young couples and their wheelchair-bound friend travel to a remote Texas town where someone is vandalizing the local cemetery. They unwisely pick up a hitchhiker who briefly taunts them with a knife. They ditch him just in time, but soon run out of gas. They decide to explore a nearby old house and stumble on the rest of the hitchhiker's family. They are mentally deranged ex-slaughterhouse workers who keep a house full of bones and body parts, albeit artfully arranged. "Leatherface" is the worst of the bunch who wears a mask of human skin while terrorizing the group with a chainsaw. The chase scene between him and the girl, which takes up a good part of the final act, is one of the best ever put on film. Moody electronic music by the director and Wayne Bell perfectly complements the setting.

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