Friday, October 2, 2009

Jack the Ripper (1959)

Directed by Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman
My rating: 2 stars out of 4

I haven't watched a movie on AMC in at least a decade, now I remember why. The sound during commercials (yes, commercials!) was at least twice as loud as the movie playing, resulting in bone-jarring interruptions and frantic searching for the mute button every 15 minutes. Then there were the announcements during the film itself... "up next on AMC" or "visit" plastered in big font along the bottom of the screen. The end credits were in fast motion and impossible to read, a time saving effort by AMC. UGGHH! Well, as for Jack the Ripper, it is an overly familiar story of a murderer slashing low life women in foggy London. Lynch mob mentality is explored when Londoners attack first an American ("Foreigner! He must be the Rippah!") then a hunchback doctor's assistant ("Just look at him! He must be the Rippah!") Well, the real Ripper is fairly easy to guess, and the film ends, like so many others, in an elevator shaft.

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