Thursday, October 18, 2012

Retribution (1987)

Taurus Entertainment
Directed by Guy Magar
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4
(DVD, Code Red)

A struggling artist in a run down LA hotel attempts suicide by jumping off the roof. He survives, but is plagued by nightmares that he is killing people in grisly ways. When it turns out the murders are real, he is hounded by the police while his friendly psychiatrist tries to help sort it all out. This is typical 80s horror, with a throbbing synthesizer soundtrack, over-the-top make up effects and bad punk fashion worn mostly by prostitutes. Somehow, it entertains in spite of itself, with a lovable loser antihero in Dennis Lipscomb and his spunky girlfriend Suzanne Snyder. There are breaks for a live reggae band, a meeting with Dr. Rasta and a stoned visit to a neon art gallery, where a giant head from Easter Island gushes blood.

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