Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Beast with a Million Eyes (1955)

American Releasing Corporation
Directed by David Kramarsky
My rating: 1.5 stars out of 4

At a California ranch on the edge of a desert a housewife hears what she thinks is a low flying plane which destroys most of the glass in her house. It turns out to be an alien spacecraft which takes over the minds of the local animals: the family dog attacks her in the kitchen, blackbirds swarm and attack their pickup truck, the old milking cow runs amok. A mute farmhand is next on the list for alien takeover. They eventually figure out that "love" will defeat the alien, but it manages to transfer itself to a nearby rat where an eagle swoops down and takes it away. The "beast" is only briefly glimpsed, and it has only two eyes.

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