Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A House Is Not a Home (1964)


Academy Awards, USA 1965

Best Costume Design, Black-and-White
Edith Head

Embassy Pictures
Directed by Russell Rouse
My rating: 1.5 stars out of 4

Life story of NYC madam Polly Adler, a Russian immigrant who started out in a sewing sweatshop. After she is raped by her brutal boss, a stranger takes pity on her and lets her stay in his extra apartment where he meets women. She soon learns that she can make wads of cash by setting up her pretty dance hall friends with men and turns it into a lucrative business. When she falls in love with a musician, she is too afraid to tell him what she does for a living. He leaves her when he finds out, but comes back years later hoping for another chance. She decides it's not worth it and carries on with the business. Shelley Winters is shrill and unconvincing as the madam. The blunt subject matter may have been shocking at the time but the dialogue just seems silly today. Look fast for Raquel Welch as one of the girls in her screen debut.

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