Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011)

Academy Awards, USA 2012

Best Motion Picture of the Year
Scott Rudin
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Max von Sydow

Warner Bros.
Directed by Stephen Daldry
My rating: 3.5 stars out of 4
(Blu-ray, Warner Bros.)

A boy tries to make sense of his father's death on 9/11 by embarking on a search for the lock that fits the key he found in his dad's closet. He gets help along the way from his grandfather, who hasn't spoken since WWII, and his mother, who works behind the scenes to make sure he is safe. A new clue leads him to the key's owner: a man who needs it even more than he does. The idiosyncratic Oskar carries the film with a balance of precociousness and emotion: his search is never boring and we empathize with his pain. Max von Sydow gives a remarkable performance as the grandfather, without ever uttering a word.

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