Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dogora, the Space Monster (1964)

Directed by Ishiro Honda
My rating: 1.5 stars out of 4
(DVD, Tokyo Shock)

Toho schlock about an outer space monster that is sucking up the world's supply of coal, and diamonds, for food. Much of the plot revolves around gangsters, you know they are gangsters because they wear suits, white gloves and sunglasses, who are unhappy about the threat to their diamond smuggling operations. The monster is only briefly glimpsed, a giant jellyfish in the sky, mostly we see tornado-like swirls on the ground as it sucks up the coal, reeking havoc on the population. It's up to a scientist, and his lovely assistant Yoko Fujiyama, to figure out that wasp venom is what is needed to stop the monster, which the military then proceeds to drop on it by parachute.

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