Monday, April 2, 2012

Gilda Live (1980)

Warner Bros.
Directed by Mike Nichols
My rating: 2.5 stars out of 4
(DVD, Warner Archive Collection)

Gilda Radner performs all of her famous characters live on stage in New York. It's mostly the same as what you see on Saturday Night Live, with a bit more language. I liked the rendition of The Way We Were played by a nerdy high school girl who breaks down crying, and the final speech by Roseanne Roseannadanna was funny, but there were too many songs with dumb lyrics that got a bit old. Don Novello's monologues as Father Guido Sarducci during the breaks were also hit or miss. Still, knowing that Gilda would only be around another 10 years or so makes watching this in retrospect more emotional than it might otherwise be, especially when she looks so overjoyed during her curtain call before the audience.

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